Thursday, March 31, 2011

Infographic from Chartsbin shows global urbanisation trends and highlights crisis in global water management

Chartsbin released an excellent infographic on 22 March 2011 - World Water Day didn't you know! - to highlight and focus attention on some of the very serious and often deadly consequences related to the human management of fresh water supplies, especially within heavily populated urban areas.

The Chartsbin infographic offers an interactive visualization for easy viewing of the latest and most relevant data on urban water and sanitaion management. The data was collected was a number of reputable sources such as the WHO, National Geographic, the UN and earthtrends.

The graphic below is just a screenshot. Visit their site for the real experience.

For the moment, Chartsbin is also offering the use of its global map templates for FREE! It allows users to input any data into a global map template and should be a invaluable tool for anyone whishing to present global trends and data in an easy to view format. Shame they haven't used the more accurate Gall-Peters projection map of the world for their template but nevertheless a brilliant tool. Copyleft likes!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for blogging about us.

    We do have have "Gall-Peters projection" map in our template.
